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Главная Розетки-Выключатели ЭУИ Vimar Термостат поворотный 2M 100-240V белый

Термостат поворотный 2M 100-240V белый

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Производитель: Vimar

Артикул: 02970.B

Vimar Surface mounting equipments Dial thermostat with relay output 5(2) A 240 V~, heating and air conditioning in ON/OFF mode, class I temperature control device (contribution 1%), white LED backlighting with brightness control, 100-240 V 50/60 Hz power supply, white - 2 modules. To be completed with Eikon, ArkГ© and Plana cover plates, for Idea with dedicated mounting frame 16723 Simple programmingSuitable for all heating or cooling systemsMaximum simplicity thanks to the large knobHotkeys are designed for quick interaction

20886 р.



Артикул 02970.B
Vimar Surface mounting equipments Dial thermostat with relay output 5(2) A 240 V~, heating and air conditioning in ON/OFF mode, class I temperature control device (contribution 1%), white LED backlighting with brightness control, 100-240 V 50/60 Hz power supply, white - 2 modules. To be completed with Eikon, ArkГ© and Plana cover plates, for Idea with dedicated mounting frame 16723 Simple programmingSuitable for all heating or cooling systemsMaximum simplicity thanks to the large knobHotkeys are designed for quick interaction


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Москва, Нахимовский проспект, 24 стр 4, “Экспострой на Нахимовском”, 6 пав, оф 619
+7 (495) 374-68-11

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+7 (343) 384-08-68

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