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Главная Розетки-Выключатели ЭУИ Vimar Термостат на 2 модуля домашней автоматики управление прикосновением, черный

Термостат на 2 модуля домашней автоматики управление прикосновением, черный

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Производитель: Vimar

Артикул: 02951

Vimar Surface mounting equipments Touchscreen home automation system thermostat for ambient temperature control (heating and air-conditioning), 2 and 4 pipe system management, 3-speed and proportional fan-coil control, class I temperature control device (contribution 1%) in ON/OFF mode, class IV (contribution 2%) in PID mode, 1 input for flush-mounting or wired NTC temperature sensor, RGB LED backlighting, can be interfaced with actuator with proportional analogue outputs 01466 to make a class V modulating room thermostat (contribution 3%), to be completed with Eikon, ArkГ© or Plana cover plates, black - 2 modules Ambient humidity control and displayAlso for managing underfloor systems - both single and two-tier - in heating and in cooling modeHighly reactive capacitive touch screenEcometer function: for greater energy awarenessCompatible with the Eikon, ArkГ© and Plana series, the glass-look reflex design is available in three different colours

39592 р.



Артикул 02951
Vimar Surface mounting equipments Touchscreen home automation system thermostat for ambient temperature control (heating and air-conditioning), 2 and 4 pipe system management, 3-speed and proportional fan-coil control, class I temperature control device (contribution 1%) in ON/OFF mode, class IV (contribution 2%) in PID mode, 1 input for flush-mounting or wired NTC temperature sensor, RGB LED backlighting, can be interfaced with actuator with proportional analogue outputs 01466 to make a class V modulating room thermostat (contribution 3%), to be completed with Eikon, ArkГ© or Plana cover plates, black - 2 modules Ambient humidity control and displayAlso for managing underfloor systems - both single and two-tier - in heating and in cooling modeHighly reactive capacitive touch screenEcometer function: for greater energy awarenessCompatible with the Eikon, ArkГ© and Plana series, the glass-look reflex design is available in three different colours


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Москва, Нахимовский проспект, 24 стр 4, “Экспострой на Нахимовском”, 6 пав, оф 619
+7 (495) 374-68-11

Екатеринбург, Цвиллинга 1, Галерея А, 2 этаж, салон СМАРТПРОЕКТ
+7 (343) 384-08-68

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