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Главная Розетки-Выключатели ЭУИ Vimar Крышка на 3 модуля IP55, с винтами для коробок прямоугольных встраиваемых, белая

Крышка на 3 модуля IP55, с винтами для коробок прямоугольных встраиваемых, белая

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Производитель: Vimar

Артикул: 14943.01

Vimar Enclosures and mounting boxes 3-module cover, with screws, for Eikon and Plana series, for 3-module flush mounting boxes, IP55, white Suitable for wiring series: Eikon, ArkГ©, PlanaIsoset enclosures and boxes, Protected and watertight series / IP55 covers Products resistant to dust and water jet ingress from all directions The IP55 protection degree is guaranteed with the cover closedThe door also provides a locking system for easier opening and closingThe door consists of an anti-UV membraneCaptive screws on the power and switching module frame, the frame is not hooked onto the box before screwing

1825 р.



Артикул 14943.01
Vimar Enclosures and mounting boxes 3-module cover, with screws, for Eikon and Plana series, for 3-module flush mounting boxes, IP55, white Suitable for wiring series: Eikon, ArkГ©, PlanaIsoset enclosures and boxes, Protected and watertight series / IP55 covers Products resistant to dust and water jet ingress from all directions The IP55 protection degree is guaranteed with the cover closedThe door also provides a locking system for easier opening and closingThe door consists of an anti-UV membraneCaptive screws on the power and switching module frame, the frame is not hooked onto the box before screwing


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Москва, Нахимовский проспект, 24 стр 4, “Экспострой на Нахимовском”, 6 пав, оф 619
+7 (495) 374-68-11

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+7 (343) 384-08-68

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